Gym Floor Covers

A reinforced 3-ply vinyl fabric with a Micro-Taffeta finish for superior slip resistance, stocked in roll lengths to reduce transverse seams.

Add years of life to your expensive gym floors with Draper® Gym Floor Covers that are manufactured using high-quality, reinforced 3-ply vinyl fabrics that offer durability and protection. Constructed in-house in Spiceland, Indiana, these floor covers use 10’ (3.05 m) wide fabrics to eliminate unsightly and uneven seams running the length of each section. Each cover has a Micro-Taffeta finish specifically designed for gym floor covers. This finish provides excellent slip resistance and the 22 oz. (624 g) weight helps the covers to lay flat. The covers are stocked in roll lengths to minimize transverse seams. Duplex fabrics with different colors on each side in blue/beige or grey/red and can be used with either side up.

Product Specs

  • Manufactured in-house in Spiceland, Indiana.
  • Wider seamless sizes up to 120” (3.05 m) wide.
  • Up to 120’ (36.58 m) roll lengths with four standard colors.
  • Reversible fabric color options with a different color on each side: combinations of grey/red and blue/beige.
  • A laminated polyester scrim provides increased durability.
  • Resistant to rot, mildew, and fungus.
  • Won’t fade from exposure to ultraviolet light.
  • Rated as self-extinguishing per the California State Fire Code and passes requirements of NFPA 101.
  • Optional storage cart lets you easily wheel up to eight covers out of storage.

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