Petroleum & Greenhouse Gas Avoidance Calculator

Draper® and Phifer® have partnered to create a calculator that will permit you to approximate petroleum savings and the greenhouse gas avoidance when using SheerWeave® Ecolibrium™ fabrics.

Total area of window glass to be covered with shade fabric on the project:

Shade MaterialPetroleum SavingsCO2/Greenhouse Gas Avoidance
Phifer® SheerWeave® PW3500 (4000)
Phifer® SheerWeave® PW4400
Phifer® SheerWeave® PW4100
Petroleum savings and greenhouse gas avoidance are approximate. This calculator has included a factor for fabric roller wrap, hem, and scrap.

How the savings are calculated:

Petroleum Savings
Calculations for the reduction of Petroleum Feedstock and CO2 avoidance is based on the complete one to one replacement of the conventional phthalate based plasticizer (derived from petroleum feedstock) with the Bio-based ECOLIBRIUM plasticizer from Dow Inc.

The amount of feedstock necessary to produce the conventional phthalate plasticizer required for producing one pound of finished vinyl compound is used in the calculation to determine the total amount of feedstock not required to produce the actual vinyl contained within each square yard of finished fabric.

CO2 Savings
The CO2 avoidance is based on information taken directly from the LCA provided by DOW Inc., for the ECOLIBRIUM product. This information is then used in the calculation to determine the CO2 avoided while producing the actual vinyl contained within each square yard of finished fabric.

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