TIPS Purchasing Cooperative

Draper® is a TIPS Awarded Vendor for gymnasium equipment

What is TIPS?

TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System) is a national purchasing cooperative offering competitively solicited contracts to education, government, and non-profit agencies. TIPS is free for these agencies to join, and provides a proven, streamlined process that eliminates purchasing stress for members.

How does it benefit me?

Draper® is a TIPS Awarded Vendor for contract 240803 in the Sporting Goods and Exercise Equipment category. Selected Draper® gymnasium equipment dealers are authorized to sell Draper® gymnasium products through the TIPS program without the hassle of public bids, at pre-negotiated special discounts. Purchasing through TIPS saves significant time and money, and it's easy to use. Products purchased through the TIPS program carry standard Draper® warranties.

How do I purchase Draper gym equipment through TIPS?

As a purchaser or end user at an education, government, or non-profit agency, you may be eligible to use TIPS.

  1. Make sure your organization is a TIPS member. If it is not, begin the fast and free membership process at the link below.

  2. If your organization is a member of TIPS, the purchasing process is simple. Follow the steps shown in the .pdf document at the link below.

Have Questions or Need a Quote?

Draper® and TIPS Questions

Ready to Simplify Your Procurement?

Contact us today to learn more about how the Draper® TIPS contract can meet your gymnasium equipment needs.

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