Introducing the Foundation® Mount System

The bedrock of hassle-free LED video wall installations

Click to play the video: Introducing the Draper® Foundation® Mount System for Direct View LED Panels.

Foundation® Mount System installed in a 6x6 display array configuration.

Foundation® Mount System installed in a 6x6 display array configuration, with some LED panels removed.

Video wall installation can be challenging.

When it comes to installing dvLED video walls, the keys to project success and customer satisfaction should include durable mounting hardware featuring extreme alignment precision and design simplicity. Draper® offers this with the new Foundation® Mount System – incorporating an innovative and rugged design, a complete side trim option, and pricing that will make it a no-brainer for your next dvLED project.

Wavy walls? Foundation features fine Z-axis wall adjustment that quickly and precisely makes the system plumb. Funky floors? The plumb alignment pin helps quickly get system plumb even when dealing with non-flat surfaces with great precision, and the vertical rail adjusters let you quickly align and level the bottom row of cabinets.

Save time, gain precision.

Installation timeline tight? With Foundation, speed and precision are built in by design. Draper focused directly on the pro AV install community while creating Foundation. We understand that a video wall mounting solution should allow techs to get the job done quickly, painlessly, and with perfect results the first time. This is a great benefit for project managers working to keep on schedule and on budget. And, if needed, Draper® can even provide installation support for Foundation.

Protect your display investment.

The Foundation also helps keep your LED modules safe during installation. LED panel mounting slots minimize the amount of contact between LED modules and a spring-loaded mounting stud pushes them into final z-axis position.

Build your video wall on the Draper® Foundation.

Foundation is available for many dvLED brands and models when attached to a flat interior wall. If the client’s wall isn’t load-bearing, or your next project includes a faceted video wall, Draper® still has you covered. Just reach out to our team and we’ll show you how we’ve been taking great care of our partners and customers since 1902.

Seismic rating: Draper® is able to provide seismic rated mounting solutions when specified in advance. Please contact your sales team if seismic rating is required for your project.

Precision and Time Savings

Foundation® Mount System was engineered to provide increased precision and time savings when installing your LED video wall:

Keyhole attachments on wall brackets provide the ability to mount an entire horizontal rail at once with a single installer.

Vertical Rail Hanger Clips allow a single installer to easily mount vertical rails.

Laser level notches on the sides of each upright act as "string lines" for easy leveling.

Vertical rail adjusters quickly align and level the bottom row of cabinets.

Install Fixtures ensure that vertical uprights are positioned and spaced perfectly. Realignment is not necessary when LED panels are installed.

LED panel mounting slots minimize the amount of contact between LED modules during installation.

Spring loaded mounting studs push cabinets into the final Z-axis position.

Magnetic trim is attached using alignment pins and held in place with powerful rare-earth magnets, making installation or removal quick and easy.

Compatible LED Models

The Drape‍r engineers behind Foundation® Mount System worked side-by-side with major display manufacturers to ensure compatibility with as many LED displays as possible. In fact, Foundation® Mount System is compatible with nearly all LED panels from the manufacturers below. If you don't see the LED series that you are working with, contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Explore Foundation® Mount System in 3D.

Click to activate the viewer below and explore Foundation® Mount System in a 6x6 display array configuration in 3D. (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge web browsers are recommended. Not supported in Internet Explorer.)

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